Friday, January 6, 2012

MarmeeDear's Studio

In March we will have been residing in our new home a whole year! I have puttered, played house, painted (with my handy spray can!) and decorated to my heart's content...all in between playing with grandbabies, hosting fellowships and family parties and working at my mail orders shoppes and sewing for the boutique.

This is where I have the pleasure of spending most of my time if I am not in the kitchen with Chelsey.
It is filled with many of my favorite is delightful to work in my own space in the big open upstairs.

 I just finished slipcovering this little loveseat where I rescued it from the life of being stored in the dirty barn...where it has resided over the past 5 years.
 My son, Seth, built me all my furniture for the studio and just finished being extra sweet and making me this little rack for all the baby things I have saved that I hand-made for my children.
 This is my grandpa English's rocker - I painted it and recovered the seat in pink/ivory toile fabric. The quilt is from Ma-Ma's attic and is about 50+ years old. I don't know if Ma-Ma made it or not but it was in her things my momsy got from her and then I got it from Momsy' linen cupboard.
 This is my treasure! My sis cut it out of a Sunday paper many years ago and sent it to me since it was written with me in mind!  I had it enlarged and framed and I LOVE IT as much as Snuffy luved Loweezy!
 This is my wall for my Carpenter...I put it up on our 34th anniversary and read it to him and he blushed.
 These are the lace curtains that adorn all 16 windows upstairs.  It is called "Rabbit Hollow" and I just adore them and the pattern.

Some more to come as I take you around my studio.