Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dancing Floors!

Back a VERY long time ago - Carpenter was offered anything he could salvage from Carolina School of Ballet - they were ready for demolition and a brand new dance school - so he and the crew of boys got to work and had to work fast before it went tumbling down.  He was able to retrieve 2200 sq ft + of red oak hardwood flooring that little feet had danced many hours on....poplar tongue-grooved boards that now grace our porch ceilings (I always think of feet dancing on the ceiling when I see it!)  and a lot of other goodies but these 2 were the biggest and best salvages!  We have moved and stacked, moved and stacked, moved and stacked these treasured piles many a time until now as they finally have their final home.
Here is a close look at the floor - aged, dirty and finally home.  It covers the entire upstairs and is perfectly aged and vintage - looking quite at home in its new home!
Carpenter rented an edger and spent one full day on his knees working the floor.  That was one aching back that night! He is such a hard worker - bless his heart!

We had decided to only take off the dirt and a bit of the old stains and leave a lot "on" for a authentic vintage look. Next full day was with a big sander but a lot easier since it was the walk-behind type. Next full day was Chelsey and I with small hand held sanders checking all the spots that may have been missed and touching up around the build in shelve and cupboards.  Then a full afternoon of cleaning and getting it dust free - the in house BEAM vacuum system made that a treat instead of a chore!  Here we have it to where we like it just fine. 
Another full day - I was the edger and brusher- Carpenter took charge of the long handled applicator.
Five gallons later we have it with a full top coat!
To finish up will be another day of renting a buffer-light sander and 3 more coats - 3 days in a row!
Our TO-DO LIST left upstairs will have suddenly after all these years been shortened to:
1- Build and hang the interior doors
2- Install door knobs and latches
3- Move IN!

I like 1-2-3 lists!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those are beautiful floors! I bet you are so excited to be moving in soon! Congratulations on your new home, you all deserve it!
