“Once upon a time. . .Genie-boy and Nancy Ward lived side-by-side. Their early childhood days were passed playing together. One day as they were playing Nancy Ward swirled her jump rope around her head and hit Genie-boy beside the head. Genie-boy retaliated by biting Nancy Ward. Genie-boy was a biter and Nancy’s mother always told her to bite him back. . .but she never got up the courage to do that to Genie-boy. This time Nancy’s mother decided to teach Genie-boy not to bite little girls, especially her little girl! She gave him a good bite and he went home wailing!” This led to a confrontation of the two mothers (Ethel Gurganus –Martha’s Grandmother & Mrs. Williams –Nancy Ward’s Momma). Big Daddy (Martha’s dad) has an elaborate story of the incident and has told his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren over the years. So, Nancy is no stranger to our family. Gene and Nancy began their lives together and Lord willing they will end them together. Most of the family was able to travel and witness their wedding on January 28.2012. Martha, Lydia and Ruth got to sing together as well as Seth,23, and Adam, 31, sang with their Pennsylvania cousins (the other Greenes) during the ceremony. We have all fallen in love with “Grancy” and since she was an only child and was never blessed with children—we have piled on her all the “family” she could ever want! So 2012 begins with all the family getting to know our new “GRANCY”! 3 Daughters + 3 Sons-in-Law + 20 GrandChildren + 7 GrandSpouses + 17 Great-Grands welcome her to our Family.
TRYING to upload the wedding slideshow...so far..no success as it is LARGE in SIZE...will try to reduce it and try again!